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Tag: New York City

Public school staff in New York City will be required to show proof of vaccination by Sept. 27.
De Blasio Announces Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccination for Public School Staff, Businesses Push Back Against
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, has announced compulsory vaccination for staff members of all...
De Blasio wants certain businesses to only serve vaccinated individuals.
New York City Mayor Mandates Vaccination Proof at Public Venues, but Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Continue
New York City is set to become the first city in the United States to require customers who visit indoor...
A woman smashed two statues outside a church in Queens
Church Statues Destroyed in New York, Acts of Violence Against Faith
Two religious statues outside ‘Our Lady of Mercy’ Catholic parish in Queens, New York, were destroyed...
New York City Mayoral Race in Chaos, Tens of Thousands of ‘Dummy Ballots’ Counted in Error
The New York mayoral race spiraled into chaos on Tuesday, June 29, when 135,000 test-run ballots were...
Bill Gates announced that he and Melinda Gates recently filed for divorce. They visited the Oslo Opera House together back in June 2009, 15 years after they married.
Bill and Melinda Gates to Divorce After Nearly 30-year Marriage
Billionaire Bill Gates has announced that he and his wife Melinda Gates will be divorcing soon, after...
Alarming Mutations in Novel NYC Coronavirus Variant
The novel B.1.526 variant is spreading rapidly in New York, a Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) hotspot...