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The Epic Conquests of General Han Xin
China’s Han Dynasty (漢朝), founded in 202 B.C., lasted four centuries and inspired the modern name of...
a syringe
Unsafe Children’s Vaccines Have Caused an Uproar in China
Reports showing that a Chinese company sold and shipped over 250,000 unsafe doses of an infant vaccine...
Economic Trouble Is Threatening China’s Investment Projects
In the small Balkan nation of Montenegro, Chinese loans are driving the construction of a 165-kilometer...
The Fact and Fiction of China’s New Laser Rifle
Chinese scientists claim to have built a laser rifle, the ZKZM-500, that can fire 1,000 shots on a single...
A Chinese Dissident’s Wife May Have Become Beijing’s Diplomatic Tool
Following eight years of house arrest, Liu Xia, the widow of Nobel Prize for Peace laureate and Chinese...
This Chinese Province Is Restricting Abortion to Increase Birth Rates
Now, instead of requiring permission to give birth, women in southern China’s Jiangxi Province require...
US Government Scraps Racial Quotas in Universities
On July 3, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions revoked guidance documents involving affirmative action...
What’s Happening to ‘Made in China 2025’?
Since 2015, the Chinese government has been promoting the slogan “Made in China 2025,” which refers to...
Chopsticks: More Than an Eating Utensil
Legend has it that chopsticks were invented by Emperor Yu the Great, who was once stranded on an island...
Behind the Suicide of a Young Chinese Woman
On June 20, a 19-year-old woman in western China jumped off a building, killing herself two years after...
Kim Jong-un Just Fired 3 Top North Korean Generals
The North Korean government has replaced three high-ranking military leaders, according to its state-run...
Watch Out for China, Not Russia, Says Former U.S. Secretary of State
According to former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Americans give Russia too much credit...