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Biden’s administration is planning to host 3,000 immigrant teenagers at a convention center in Dallas. Washington is struggling to find facilities to accommodate the surge of unaccompanied children crossing into the United States.
Biden’s Immigration Crisis: ‘Decompression Center’ to House 3,000 Migrant Teenagers for Three Months
Biden’s administration plans to host 3,000 migrant teens at a convention center in Dallas. Washington...
In early October, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had issued guidance to clerks, asking them to presume that all absentee ballot signatures are accurate.
Judge Rules Michigan Secretary of State Gave False Guidance for Absentee Ballot Verification in 2020
In early October, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had issued guidance to clerks, asking them...
Online Banking Outage at Wells Fargo Triggers Concern About Delays in $1,400 Stimulus Checks
Financial Company Wells Fargo has apologized to customers for a recent online outage that sparked concerns...
Many mythologies include stories of life being preserved to avoid the threat of complete extinction due to global disaster.
Backing-Up Earth Species: Scientists Plan ‘Noah’s Ark’ on the Moon
Many cultures from all over the world depict legends of nations that avoided complete extinction due...
Biden Administration Looking to Hike Taxes, a First in 30 Years
President Joe Biden is reportedly planning the first-ever significant tax hike that has occurred in the...
Ride-sharing company Uber has lost its final appeal in the UK Supreme Court over a case that sought to determine whether its drivers were the company’s employees or self-employed contractors.
UK Supreme Court Rules Uber Drivers Are Employees
Ride-sharing company Uber has lost its final appeal in the UK Supreme Court over a case seeking to determine...
Australia has passed a new law that mandates big tech companies like Google and Facebook to pay publishers for accessing news content.
Australian Law Forces Facebook, Google to Pay for News Content
Australia has passed a new law that mandates big tech companies like Google and Facebook to pay publishers...
The German government will relax its two-month long coronavirus lockdown. Certain shops, categorized as ‘daily needs retail,’ can reopen provided they follow strict hygiene rules and only allow a limited number of customers.
German Businesses Angry About Slow Open from Lockdown
The German government will relax its two-month-long coronavirus lockdown. Certain shops, categorized...
European governments are increasing their naval presence in the Indo-Pacific to contain communist China’s growing assertive stance in the region.
European Navies Increase Presence in Indo-Pacific to Safeguard Against Communist China
European governments are increasing their naval presence in the Indo-Pacific to contain Communist China...
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will soon be enacting legislation that will send people who vandalize or desecrate statues or memorials to prison for a period of up to ten years and/or fines of up to £2,500.
The UK Announces a 10-Year Sentence for Vandalizing Statues and Memorials
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will soon be enacting legislation that will send people who vandalize...
Half of Italy has entered into a new lockdown after a spike in COVID-19 infections raised worries about the pandemic getting out of control.
The Third Wave: Italy Enters Lockdown Amidst Infection Surge, Plans on Making Russian Vaccine
Half of Italy has entered into a new lockdown after a spike in COVID-19 infections raised worries about...
Pea pots in the Nutrition Garden at MLK Elementary School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Peas and parsley make a great choice for your spring gardening
Peas and Parsley: Sowing in the Snow to Get a Jump on Spring Gardening
Whether the interest lies in food or flowers, most gardeners in a temperate climate feel the impulse...