Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


‘It’s Absolutely Horrific:’ Canada’s Health Care System on the Verge of Collapse
Health care professionals are raising the alarm about deteriorating conditions in Canadian hospitals...
Shen Yun Performers Share Their Experiences After Finishing 2022 Europe Tour 
NEW YORK — One of Shen Yun Performing Arts’ touring groups has returned to the U.S. after completing...
US-Led Coalition Captures Top ISIS Leader in Northern Syria
On Thursday, June 16, a U.S.-led coalition reported that a strike force raided and captured a senior...
A massive UK train union strike is about to make landfall next week, disrupting supply chains and public transport.
Massive Union Strike Set to Disrupt UK Train, Freight Service Next Week
A massive union-led strike is set to disrupt the United Kingdom’s train service throughout all of the...
‘Killer Robots’ Are Playing an Increasing Role In the War in Ukraine
On June 14,  it was revealed that Temerland, an Ukrainian robotics and weapons manufacturer based...
The Great Chinese Treasure Ships of Zheng He
Ask an American to name the world’s greatest maritime explorers and you will likely hear the names of...
Looming ‘Humanitarian Emergency’ as Hundreds of Sri Lankans Attempt to Escape to Australia
In recent weeks, several boats were caught smuggling hundreds of Sri Lankans out of their home country...
Australia's biggest power grid is now under a command economy as the government struggles to stay on top of pricing and supply problems.
Australian Power Grid Regulator Initiates Command Economy Amid Electricity Crisis
The major regulator of Australia’s power grid has taken control of the market after recent pricing interventions...
Was Justin Bieber's facial paralysis caused by the COVID vaccines? It's hard to say, but not out of the question.
Was Justin Bieber’s Facial Paralysis Caused By the COVID Vaccine?
Justin Bieber announced he would take a time-out from his touring schedule because he now suffers from...