Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


As oil returned to under $100 a barrel for the first time in months, media messaging showed itself to be all the more dissonant and chaotic.
Oil Dips Toward Sub-$100 Prices as Media Messaging Turns Dissonant
News analysis As U.S. oil prices below $100 per barrel for the first time in almost two months greeted...
‘Red Flags’ and Background Checks: A Look at America’s Far-reaching New Gun Control Law
After a spate of highly publicized mass shootings, and with bipartisan Senate support, U.S. President...
22 percent of Americans took out high interest payday loans or burned through credit cards to gamble on the digital currency market, a survey shows.
Americans Burned Payday Loans and Credit Cards to Speculate on Digital Currency: Survey
Almost 22 percent of Americans who have taken to gambling on the promise of meteoric returns in the digital...
Independence Day–History, Tradition, Inspiration
Regarding Independence Day, most Americans would agree that we owe our freedom largely to The Declaration...
‘Facts of Our Founding’: A Look Back at the 1776 Commission Report
Commentary This July 4 marks the 246th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed...
Is the US on the cusp of a new housing crisis? Data does not look optimistic.
Is the US on the Cusp of a Housing Crash?
U.S.-based homeowners and prospective buyers may be caught in the unwinding apex of a housing crash,...
Supreme Court Rules Clean Air Act Does Not Give the EPA Widespread Power to Regulate Emissions
On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the Clean Air Act — the United States’ primary federal...
Was John McAfee Whackd? Spain still won't release the body.
McAfee’s Body Still Hasn’t Been Released, Fueling Claims He Was ‘Whackd’
One year after his alleged suicide, software mogul John McAfee continues to arouse people’s emotions...
NY: Mayor Adams Announces Federal Lawsuit Against Online Ghost Gun Retailers Following Undercover Investigation
On June 29, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Corporation Counsel Sylvia Hinds-Radix announced...