Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Cut Off From Russian Gas, Bulgaria Opens New Pipeline Via Greece
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — The leaders of Greece and Bulgaria on Friday, July 8 inaugurated a new pipeline...
Biden Planning Modest Relaxation of China Tariffs as Inflation Pressure Grows
U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration has further hinted at the easing of tariffs on Chinese goods...
As oil returned to under $100 a barrel for the first time in months, media messaging showed itself to be all the more dissonant and chaotic.
Oil Dips Toward Sub-$100 Prices as Media Messaging Turns Dissonant
News analysis As U.S. oil prices below $100 per barrel for the first time in almost two months greeted...
China’s May Oil Imports From Russia Increase Tenfold, Beating Saudi Arabia as Top Oil Supplier
The month of May saw China’s imports of crude oil from Russia surge significantly, beating Saudi Arabia...
Chinese Navy Launches 3rd Carrier, Deploying New Electromagnetic Launch Technology
In a significant step for its growing development, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy has...
The trucking industry bubble is popping, shown by the price of used trucks at auction cratering.
Another Bubble Is Popping: Used Semi Truck Auction Prices Are Cratering
Another symptom of a lesser-noticed bubble popping has surfaced: the prices that used semi trucks are...
A factory responsible for 20% of US baby formula production is shuttered after being hit by flooding.
Flooding Shutters Factory Responsible for 20% of US Baby Formula Production
One of the largest factories in the United States for producing baby formula has been shuttered after...
Demand destruction is being tasted by retailers that sell junk such as Target and Walmart, data shows.
Consumer Demand for ‘Crap’ Is Dying, Bloating Retailer Inventories: Analysts
Consumers are buying less and less “crap,” leaving leading U.S. retailers such as Walmart and Target...
Novavax's more-traditional protein subunit COVID vaccine is also causing myocarditis, FDA documents reveal.
The Novavax Protein Subunit COVID Vaccine Is Causing Heart Inflammation, Too
A new and more traditional type of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine that will soon be either...