Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Schlumberger Sees North American Oil Activity Growing Faster Than Expected
Top oilfield services company Schlumberger on Wednesday, Sept. 7 said North American oil and gas activity...
Swiss to Create Hydropower Reserve to Ensure Winter Power Supply
Switzerland will create a hydropower reserve to make sure the Alpine country has enough electricity through...
UPS to Hire 100,000 Seasonal Workers to Deal with Holiday Rush
The United Parcel Service announced on Wednesday, Sept. 7 that it would be hiring more than 100,000 holiday...
Amazon took its solar panels offline at U.S. centers after a string of fires and explosions
Amazon’s Solar Panels Caught Fire and Exploded So Many Times They Were Taken Offline
As the modern world lurches forward in its attempt to give the appearance of transforming energy consumption...
Germany Keeps Two Nuclear Reactors on Standby to Weather Gas Crisis
Germany plans to keep two of its three remaining nuclear power stations on standby, beyond a year-end...
South Korean Investors Acquire Massive Stake in Tesla, One Family Bets All Their Savings
In South Korea, people are going crazy again for a new popular sensation. This time, it’s not K-pop raking...
Tesla will need $100 billion in rare metals to make 20 million cars annually.
Tesla Needs $100 Billion Worth of Metals to Reach Musk’s 2020 Production Goal
Electric car superstar Tesla will need to come up with $100 billion to purchase the metals required to...
NASA Says Conditions ‘Look Good’ for Scheduled Artemis I Launch
The combined SLS-Orion spacecraft is due for blastoff from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral...
Researchers found a way to make resin for wind turbines into something that can be eaten during recycling.
Forget Crickets. Soon, You’ll Eat Recycled Wind Turbines
In a new scientific discovery, it appears that progressive and modern mankind may be able to fulfill...