Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Hubble Telescope Reveals Huge Star Explosion in Stunning Detail
WASHINGTON — About 11.5 billion years ago, a distant star roughly 530 times larger than our sun died...
‘Blood Moon’ Total Eclipse Seen Across Much of Americas and Asia on Nov. 8
People across much of the Americas, Australia, the Pacific islands, and Asia were able to see the moon...
Total Eclipse: ‘Blood Moon’ to Be Visible Across Much of Americas and Asia on Nov. 8
People across much of the Americas, Australia, the Pacific islands, and Asia will be able to see the...
Photon Rings – Deciphering Black Holes’ Interior From Their Exterior
Black holes are among the most fascinating and mysterious natural phenomena known to man. Not only do...
Apollo, Gemini Astronaut James McDivitt Dies at 93
By Joey Roulette, Reuters. WASHINGTON — James McDivitt, a former U.S. astronaut who commanded some...
Virgin Orbit’s First UK Rocket Launch Promises ‘Uber for Satellites’
Richard Branson’s Virgin Orbit says it will be the ‘Uber for satellites’, as it prepares for the first...
Rethinking the Universe: Our Path to a New Cosmic Model
During the last decades, astronomers have been faced with a bittersweet reality: the more scientific...
First Roscosmos-NASA cross flight launched from Baikonur
First Roscosmos-NASA Cross Flight Launched From Baikonur
The first Roscosmos-NASA cross flight aboard a Soyuz spacecraft launched into space from Baikonur cosmodrome...
Bank Holdups Snowball in Lebanon as Depositors Demand Their Own Money
Five Lebanese banks were held up by depositors seeking access to their own money frozen in the banking...