Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


In China, ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ Now Compulsory Learning for Students in Primary Schools to Graduate Programs
As part of the Chinese Communist Party’s sweeping education reforms “Xi Jinping Thought” has been incorporated...
Japan’s Defense Ministry Seeks an Additional 50 Billion in Spending to Counter China
On Tuesday, August 31, Japan’s Defense Ministry asked for a 2.6 percent increase in its defense budget...
Flood Warnings in Central China, Subway Closes to Traffic as Heavy Rains Pelter Zhengzhou
Heavy rains hit various parts of central China’s Henan Province on Saturday, Aug. 29, prompting the local...
Joe Biden checks the time during the dignified transfer of the remains of a fallen service member at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware, on Aug. 29, 2021. Biden was put on blast by families of at least four of the thirteen slain soldiers, both for checking his watch and talking about his son Beau Biden, former Attorney General of Delaware, who died at age 46 from cancer in an attempt to relate his own grief to the families.
Families of Slain US Soldiers Critical of President’s Conduct at Dignified Transfer Ceremony
Multiple families of the 13 U.S. soldiers who were killed in the Aug. 26 suicide bombing at Kabul Airport...
Washington approved the sale of auto chips to Huawei due to pressure from U.S. companies, says Global Times.
Biden Allows Sale of American Auto Chips to Blacklisted Huawei
Joe Biden’s administration recently approved the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of auto...
Biden warned of another attack at the Kabul airport.
Fatal Rocket Incident Northwest of Kabul Airport May Have Been Linked to Militants
A rocket fell on a neighborhood located northwest of the Kabul airport on Aug. 29, killing one child....
YouTube censored Senator Rand Paul who uploaded a video on the platform about Washington funding a Chinese lab believed to be the origin of COVID-19.
YouTube Executive Says Censorship Is Good for Business
Neal Mohan, product head at YouTube, recently said that one of the reasons why the video platform is...
Fearing Contamination, Japan Suspends the use of Millions of Doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine
Japan has temporarily suspended the use of over 2.6 million doses of Moderna Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine after...
Myanmar Factory Workers Face Difficult Choice; Take the Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine or be Fired
Factory workers in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, are facing a difficult choice; receive the Chinese-made...