Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


The Benefits of Making Art Daily
Creating art may seem like a daunting task for those who have not been developing artistic skills since...
Bubba the Rescue Bird Both Sings and Speaks
In the southeastern Australian state of Victoria, a kind-hearted gentleman taught an orphaned starling...
Smart Clothes: Will We Soon Be Sporting a Suit of Arm(onit)or?
Clothing has served many a purpose throughout the ages: protection from the elements, mark of one’s status...
Tattoos for Tacos: Mexican Restaurant’s Free Meal Deal for Permanent Wearers of Their Logo
While there is no such thing as a free lunch, exceptions to the rule may apply. One small San Francisco...
Medieval Monks’ Secret to Reducing Distraction and Attaining Mental Clarity
An ever-increasing amount of electronic information in our everyday lives is causing us to become hyperstimulated...
Self Esteem: Why We Need It and How To Keep It
Self-esteem is described as someone’s personal sense of worth or value - basically, how much you value...
Read More Classic Literature – It’s Good and Good For You!
A good book that stands the test of time does so for a reason. Classic literature offers so much more...
People wave flags of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic & Paralympic Games Motto Launch Ceremony on September 17, 2021 in Beijing, China.
IOC to Restrict 2022 Beijing Games Attendance to Only Mainland China Spectators
In compliance with Beijing's communist government, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced...
Mānuka Honey – New Zealand’s Native Treasure
The term mānuka is the Maori name for the Leptospermum shrub, a member of the Myrtacaea family which...