Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Where China Gets Its Rocket and Aircraft Carrier Technology
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has been pouring hundreds...
China’s Leaders Eager for Trade Deal With the US
As the trade war ceasefire agreed to last December continues, officials in Beijing and Washington struggle...
Sam Brownback, the U.S. ambassador for religious freedom, delivered a speech at the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents' Club on March 8.
US Envoy for Religious Freedom Takes China to Task in Hong Kong
Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador for Religious Freedom, delivered a speech during a visit to Hong Kong...
Trump’s Summit With Kim Jong-un Sends Signal to China
U.S. President Trump, refusing to accept North Korean requests for a complete lifting of sanctions, chose...
Film Exposing Confucius Institutes Screens in Portland
PORTLAND, Ore. — An hour-long panel discussion at Portland State University followed the March 4 screening...
Marking the End of Chinese New Year With Lanterns and Dumplings
This Feb. 19 is the 15th day of the first lunar month, making it the last day of traditional Chinese...
Fresh US-China Trade Talks Highlight Need for Enforceability
Recent trade discussions with China’s Vice Premier Liu He in Washington have yielded important results...
Chinese New Year: A Celebration of Divinity
Following the traditional lunar calendar of East Asia, the Chinese New Year falls on Feb. 5 this year...
In a Secret Trial, Lawyer Wang Quanzhang Received a 4-Year Sentence
Lawyer Wang Quanzhang, 42, has been sentenced to over four years’ imprisonment following a secret trial...