Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Stories From the Students’ Rules (1): At Home, Be Dutiful to Parents
The “Standards for Being a Good Student and Child” (Di Zi Gui, 弟子規) is a traditional Chinese textbook...
One of ancient China’s great medical doctors and herbalists, Sun Simiao was said to have lived to be 141 years old.
An Ancient Chinese Doctor’s ‘Cure-all’ for Nourishing the Mind and Body
One of ancient China’s great medical doctors and herbalists, Sun Simiao (孫思邈), was said to have lived...
The Silk Road: Sharing Culture and Culinary Traditions
For thousands of years, the East and West remained a mystery to one another. But the birth of the Silk...
The literary giant Su Shi was also an effective and honest official who used his fortitude to help the people he governed. The literary giant Su Shi was also an effective and honest official who used his fortitude to help the people he governed.
Su Shi, the Ancient Poet Who Put the People First
One of the greatest literati of ancient China, the ancient poet Su Shi (蘇軾), also known by his alias...
The 10 Admonishments of Imperial Official Lin Zexu (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 Lin Zexu (林則徐, 1785-1850) was an honest official in the late Qing Dynasty known...
A statue of Lin Zexu in Chatham Square in New York City’s Chinatown.
The 10 Admonishments of Imperial Official Lin Zexu (Part 1)
Lin Zexu (林則徐, 1785-1850) was an honest official in the late Qing Dynasty known for his strict crackdown...
The Magnanimous Emperor Taizong
In the 7th century A.D., China’s Sui Dynasty collapsed. Wasteful policies and civil war devastated the...