Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Shoba Rajamani

Shoba is located in Bangalore and describes herself as creative, adventurous, a movie lover, a novel reader, and a badminton player. She dreams of one day writing her own children's book.
Home Cooking: 20 Tricks for Tastier Meals
Cooking, in scientific terms, is the transfer of heat energy which changes the condition of the food or, more specifically, the state of matter. Whether you boil, bake, fry, or grill, the cooking process decreases...
Healing Herbs and Spices of India, Part VI – Chia Seeds
You may have heard that chia seeds are a healthy addition to your diet that can also help you lose weight. It’s true! Chia seeds are regarded as a highly-nutritious food with numerous health benefits....
How to Get Good Sleep at Night for More Productive Days
Sleep is a biological requirement, just like drinking water and eating. Getting sufficient sleep at night can improve your days in many ways, while sleep deprivation is linked with decreased productivity and decreased immune response,...
Medicinal Herbs and Spices of India, Part V – Basil
Basil (Ocimum basilicum), a popular culinary herb across most of the world, is a green leafy plant that belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and shares several medicinal traits with its botanical cousins.  King of...
The Many Benefits of Rose Water and How to Make It
Roses have been treasured for thousands of years, not only for their intoxicating fragrance, but also to enhance health, beauty, and even culinary creations. To capture their universally admired scent, rose essential oil (rose attar)...
World’s Biggest Bats – The Fruit-Eating Flying Fox
The world’s biggest bats (Pteropus sp.), also known as flying foxes — or Old World fruit bats — are many times the size of their smaller cousins. Found in Asia, Africa, and Australia, flying foxes...
Healing Herbs and Spices of India, Part IV: White Lotus
The lovely white lotus, with its enchanting beauty and fragrance, is universally admired for its pure and enduring nature. Owing to its many healing properties,  the entire lotus plant has also been employed in Traditional...
Bright Ideas: Proper Lighting for Improved Productivity
Humans traditionally lived in diurnal, 24-hour cycles of light and darkness, with the day filled with natural light and the moonlit night enhanced only by the light of a fire. Under such lighting conditions, people...
Healing Herbs and Spices of India Part III – Ceylon Cinnamon
Ceylon cinnamon, a mildly aromatic spice with earthy tones, is gaining popular recognition for its many health benefits. Unlike the more commonly used Cassia cinnamon, Ceylon is harvested from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum plant, and offers...
Jackfruit – An Unusual Fruit That Eats Like Meat
Jackfruit is an enormous, armored fruit that serves as a staple food across much of South and Southeast Asia. Native to southern India, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.  Described by...
Healing Herbs and Spices of India Part II – Curry Leaf
Ayurveda is an Indian healing system that relies on herbs to treat illness. Like coriander, curry leaf is frequently used in Ayurvedic healing. The plant, grown in practically every Indian family’s backyard, produces warmly aromatic...
Back-to-School Learning Tips
For many of us, September means back-to-school; and with that comes added stress and anxiety. Managing your time and getting through your work may be the least of your problems if you have a hard...