Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Manos Angelakis

Through El Greco’s Eyes: A Serendipitous Encounter With Toledo’s Landscape
Published with permission from Several years ago, during a sojourn in Madrid, I felt compelled to travel to Toledo. The goal? To explore the residence of the illustrious late-medieval artist, Dominikos Theotokopoulos, universally recognized...
Els Tallers: A Catalan Culinary Masterpiece Perched High in the Mountains
Published with permission from In Catalonia, Spain, the abundance of Michelin-starred establishments is evident. Yet, it's often the unassuming tascas, local eateries, and secluded havens that serve dishes rivaling Michelin's finest without the formal...
From the North Sea to New York City: The Culinary Journey of Herring’s Seasonal Delight
Published with permission from The new herring season has recently concluded, and there's no need to hail from the Netherlands, Sweden, or any nation bordering Europe's North and Baltic Seas to appreciate the allure...
Discovering Andalucía: A Rich Tapestry of History, Culture, and Passion
Published with permission from Nestled in the southern realm of the Iberian Peninsula — flanked by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean — is Spain's sprawling autonomous region of Andalucía....
Rediscovering Madeira: A Blend of Delectable Cuisine, Wine, and Fun in the Sun
Published with permission from 35 years after our memorable visit — filled with delightful times and exquisite cuisine — we found ourselves back in Madeira. This North Atlantic island, “discovered” in 1419 by the...
Global Etiquette: Navigating Cultural Dining Norms Across the World
Published with permission from While traveling globally, it's clear to see that food etiquette varies greatly across cultures. For instance, most of us were raised with the idea that finishing your plate is respectful....
Discover CZEN: A Culinary Journey From New Jersey to the Caribbean With an Asian Twist
Published with permission from In our extensive experience dining at many premier restaurants across the US, Europe, and a few in Asia, we admit we've become somewhat hard to impress. However, a recent dinner...
A Gourmet’s Guide to the Summer Fancy Food Show in NYC
Published with permission from The Summer Fancy Food Show this year was an extraordinary spectacle. The event was the most expansive I've ever seen — with a myriad of booths intricately occupying every corner...
Exploring the Rich Tapestry of the Frescobaldi: A Tasting of Italy’s Celebrated Vineyards and Wines
Published with permission from The Sangiovese grape — with its roots embedded deep in the rich soils of Italy — is responsible for some of the country's most cherished and acclaimed wines. It is...
AI in the Restaurant: The Story of Robbie the Robot
Published with permission from There is much talk and fear about artificial intelligence (AI) and the use of robotics and robots in everyday work — particularly in the fields of hospitality, retail, warehousing, and...
Culinary Fireworks in Québec: A Journey Through Tradition, Innovation, and Gastronomic Excellence
Published with permission from Experiencing the culinary scene in Québec is not only a delight for gourmands, but also an encounter with serious gastronomic craftsmanship. The city is brimming with traditional Québécoise restaurants, each...
Ouzeri by Papaioannou Takes Foodies on a Scrumptious Journey Through Athens’ Ouzo-Infused Delights
Published with permission from Ouzeri, resembling a Spanish tapas bar but with a Greek twist, delights in serving ouzo — a potent distillate crafted from grape or grain-based alcohol, carefully distilled with anise, fennel,...