Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

‘We now know clearly that the CCP does not equal China’: Statements From the Tuidang Movement (September 2024)

Published: October 8, 2024
A 2011 parade in Washington, D.C. commemorates the Tuidang (withdrawal from the Communist Party) movement on reaching the 100 million mark. As of 2019, Over 337 million people have renounced their affiliations with the Communist Party and its youth organizations. (Image: Tudiang Center)

​​The Tuidang movement, started in November 2004, encourages Chinese around the world to renounce their oaths made to lay down their lives for communism when they joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or its affiliated youth organizations. Over the past two decades, hundreds of millions of people have given their assumed or real names to voice their separation from the CCP, the single most deadly regime in human history. Here, Vision Times presents some recent statements from those who have quit the Party, translated from the Chinese.

Chinese in New Zealand quit the CCP (Sept. 29, 2024)

I used to be a soldier in the military’s cultural work troupes, and understand very clearly the evil nature of the CCP. I hereby solemnly declare via The Epoch Times that I am withdrawing from the CCP and its affiliated organizations — including the Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers.
Ms. Rong (荣女士)

When I was young, the CCP always tried to recruit me into the Party, but I felt the CCP was too sinister and never joined. Although I am rather old now, I also want to declare my withdrawal from the CCP’s League and Pioneers. 

— Li Laifu (李来福)

Quitting the CCP after reading materials provided by Falun Gong practitioners (Sept. 28, 2024)

Since I was young, I never believed in the Communist Party, and I disliked it even more after beginning my career. By coincidence I came across materials passed out by Falun Gong practitioners [Falun Gong is a popular Chinese spiritual faith persecuted by the CCP], and even I was shocked at how evil the Party really is. I’m an ordinary citizen and have nothing to do with the Communist Party in my life and work. If quitting the League and Pioneers can safeguard my good fortune in the future, then I’ll quit them! I was made to join them by default when I was in school, and now I’ve withdrawn. If Heaven really does eliminate the Communist Party someday, I won’t go down with it. 

‘Listen to the Truth’ (听真相), China

‘End one-party dictatorship, build a democratic China!’ (Sept. 26, 2024)

When I was young and ignorant, I joined the Communist Youth League, a CCP bandit organization, under the influence of its evil ideology. Now I have come to understand the truth. Ever since the CCP came to power, it has launched political campaigns that have intentionally or unintentionally caused countless families to be torn apart and ruined. Particularly in the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, which the CCP bandits refer to as the “political turmoil of the spring and summer of 1989,” they used lethal weapons, including hollow-point bullets [that cause multiple wounds in the body], to suppress countless unarmed students, workers, and citizens in the capital, Beijing, only to label it later as a “counter-revolutionary riot.” 

Thirty-five years later, the CCP has neither offered compensation nor apologized for the Tiananmen massacre, and even bans any mention of it having taken place. Why should such a bandit regime continue to exist? It must be resolutely opposed, and the people must pursue universal values and human rights.  We must strive to end one-party dictatorship and build a democratic China!

Xu Kunliang (许坤良), of Jinan, Shandong Province, quits the Communist Youth League 

A retired executive quits the Communist Party 退党团队 (Sept. 25, 2024)

Solemn statement:

I am a retired company executive who has traveled extensively both in China and abroad. I have encountered Falun Gong practitioners in many countries abroad, a great contrast from the suppression they face in mainland China. 

When I visited Cambodia, I visited a memorial to the genocide committed by the Khmer Rouge — the Cambodian Communists — against the Cambodian people and Chinese community, which killed a quarter of the Cambodian population. In China, I have also visited Xinjiang and Tibet and witnessed the CCP’s persecution of the local cultures and faiths. There, the constant ID checks and facial recognition surveillance reminded me of the time when Northeast China was occupied by the Japanese invaders during WWII, where one needed a “Good Subject Certificate” to go anywhere. 

In one conversation, someone mentioned that we [Chinese] are living in an occupied country, which made me suddenly realize the truth. Yes, from the “Chinese Soviet Republic” during the Yan’an period to being renamed the “People’s Republic of China” in 1949, we are living under the third Eastern branch of the Communist International [set up by the Soviet Union].

In Guizhou Province, a stone with the characters “The Chinese Communist Party shall perish” (中国共产党亡) inscribed on it was discovered in recent years. Experts verified it to have been naturally formed, which means this indeed is Heaven’s will! The CCP is currently incurring the wrath of the divine, and the epidemics and extreme weather of late are signs of this. 

Exposed rock discovered by geologists in Guizhou, southwestern China, displaying naturally formed characters saying “the CCP shall perish” (Image: via Dajiyuan)

Here, I solemnly declare null and void the poisonous oath I made in ignorance to devote everything to the evil Party. I choose to be a descendant of the Chinese nation, not the spawn of Marx and Lenin, and I certainly will not perish with the evil Party under Heaven’s condemnation. My life is my own, and I want to live for myself, my loved ones, and my friends. I wish to bear witness to the demise of the evil CCP. To my fellow countrymen: do not be deceived by the appearances of superficial prosperity such as highways, high-speed rail, and ecological projects. Morality and the rule of law have completely collapsed. Corruption and suffering are everywhere.

From my experience working in the political system, I know that the CCP has no fix for the present troubles; all it can do is desperately block information and brainwash the public with propaganda about the so-called “prosperous era.” I am convinced that if the Great Firewall were torn down, the CCP would fall within six months. I hope for the CCP’s peaceful disintegration, without war or chaos, a peaceful transition. May Heaven bless China!

Li Changming (李长明) of mainland China quits the Party, League, and Pioneers

A Northeast Chinese finds out ‘why there are so many crooks’ (Sept. 25, 2024)

A friend of mine once said that there are many scoundrels in Chinese society, such as many who borrow money and never pay it back. I never understood why there are so many crooks, but after a few years of bypassing the Great Firewall and reading The Epoch Times, I realized it was all because the CCP corrupted the people. In the past, I ran into many scoundrels, but I couldn’t figure out the root cause for why society seemed to be filled with such types. Ultimately, it’s all the evil Party’s fault. I declare my withdrawal from the Youth League and Young Pioneers.

Wei Bing (伟兵), Northeast China

Application to withdraw from the CCP (Sept. 24, 2024)

Over the course of three years, I gradually understood the true nature of the Communist bandits. Today, upon discovering this website, I am even more determined to quit the Party. I hope that China will soon usher in a democratic era.

Lu Guangwen (陆光文) of Shuyang, China

Quitting the Party, League, and Pioneers after crossing the Great Firewall (Sept. 22, 2024)

After crossing the Great Firewall, I learned many things I didn’t know before and came to deep realizations about the crimes of the CCP. I began to regret making such a poisonous vow and regret associating myself with the CCP. I have now officially decided to sever all ties with the CCP and erase its evil mark!

‘Just reward’ (善果) of Fushun, Liaoning Province 

A history fan quits the Communist Youth League (Sept. 20, 2024)

I particularly loathe the atmosphere in Chinese society, where people harm each other left and right. People today have no shame. If you are of no use to them, they betray you. Morality in society has collapsed. I like watching history videos, and I especially appreciate what teacher Yuan Tengfei [a high school instructor whose lessons went viral online in the early 2010s) said: “No dynasty lasts ten thousand years.” This is indeed the case, and the CCP deserves to collapse for governing the country in the way it has. I declare my withdrawal from the Youth League and Young Pioneers.

‘Starlight’ (星光), China

A police officer expresses regret for taking part in the CCP’s human rights violations, joins the Tuidang movement (Sept. 20, 2024)

In my youth, I joined the Young Pioneers, then the Communist Youth League, and later served in the military. I took part in arresting students during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, suppressing demonstrations in Tibet and Xinjiang, and suppressing Falun Gong practitioners during their peaceful demonstrations. After retiring from the military, I joined the Public Security Bureau, where I also arrested many Falun Gong adherents, as well as petitioners [people who protest by submitting petitions to the Chinese authorities] and rights activists.

Later, my hometown property was forcibly demolished, and our land was seized, with minimal compensation given. My family was threatened and beaten. I also petitioned to defend my family’s rights. Not only were our grievances left unresolved, but I was also threatened and beaten. While protesting, I got to know many other petitioners and rights activists and began to realize my past mistakes. I also had the opportunity to meet with Falun Gong practitioners and access overseas websites. Reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party left me extremely shocked, realizing how crazy, ignorant, and foolish I had been. I deeply regret my actions and don’t know how to atone for my sins. Here, I first declare my withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and then I will find a way to make up for what I have done.

Shao Weisheng (邵緯省), Tengchong, Yunnan Province 

Quitting the Young Pioneers (Sept. 19, 2024)

I solemnly declare my withdrawal from the Young Pioneers, completely severing ties with the CCP. The evil and corruption of the CCP have long been evident, especially the recent exposure of the pension scandal in Chengwu County, Shandong Province, which I found infuriating. In Chengwu, it was revealed that the pensions allotted to civil servants are 43 times higher than those of ordinary residents — this blatant privilege and plundering lay bare the CCP’s lie that it “serves the people.” This regime has always used deceit and oppression to exploit ordinary people while safeguarding the interests of the privileged. Not only does it ignore the suffering of the people, but it also exacerbates social injustice and division.

I have seen the true face of the CCP. Everything it does is for the sake of maintaining its decaying rule, with no regard for the welfare of the people. Such a regime has no legitimacy. Through lies, violence, and privilege, it has plunged the people into the abyss of enslavement. As a person of conscience, I can no longer align myself with this regime. 

I resolutely withdraw from the Young Pioneers, not only as a complete repudiation of the CCP’s evil deeds but also to awaken all those still deceived by its lies. For decades, the Communist Party has maintained its dictatorship through lies, violence, and oppression, causing endless suffering to the people. Every person of conscience should see its evil nature and stand up bravely to overthrow this rotten regime. Only in doing so can our country and people achieve true freedom and dignity. Let us unite and fight together to overthrow the CCP!

Zhang Wu (张伍), Shanghai

‘We now know clearly that the CCP does not equal China’ (Sept. 19, 2024)

Since the CCP came to power, it has never loved the country or the people. Instead, it has exploited and enslaved the people solely for its own authoritarian rule. We now know clearly that the CCP does not equal China. Therefore, we officially declare our withdrawal from the Young Pioneers, abandoning communism, erasing its evil mark, and moving towards a better future.

Li Wenhua (李文华), Chi Fuman (迟福满), Liu Fu (刘福), and Wang Sanfa (王三发), of Liaoning Province, quit the Young Pioneers

‘Freeing myself from the control of this evil force’ (Sept. 18)

Out of fear that quitting the CCP’s evil organizations would result in retaliation, I hesitated to make the decision to withdraw. Today, I have made the firm decision to quit the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers, freeing myself from the control of this evil force, and live a dignified life while looking forward to a brighter future.

Weiwei (薇薇), mainland China

‘A Brighter Moon for Mid-Autumn: Expressing My Feelings by Quitting the Communist Party’ (Sept. 17, 2024)

I am an elderly Party member with decades of Party membership, and I haven’t paid Party dues for over 10 years. I worked in a state-owned enterprise that was lagging behind in performance, so my pension is also meager. In the 70 years since it seized power, the CCP has always been corrupt. Year after year, they shout slogans about giving the people a good life, but we have yet to see any real improvement. Instead, we see officials corrupt and without moral boundaries. During the era of [now-deceased Party head] Jiang Zemin, corruption, depravity, and moral decay were rampant, and Jiang was known as the “corruption coach.” The so-called “Three Represents” really represent corruption, debauchery, and depravity — all of which Jiang was personally involved with. 

I see that this evil Party is nearing its end. In my heart, I know that paying Party dues is just feeding corruption — it would be better saved for my retirement and medical care. The kind people of China are truly living in misery. The “new three mountains” (oppression, exploitation, and deception) weigh heavily on the people: small ailments cost thousands in hospital fees, severe illnesses tens or even hundreds of thousands; major diseases can make a person destitute. Preschool education costs eight to ten thousand yuan or more; entrance fees for primary school run two to three thousand yuan, and junior and senior high school require multiples of that; if you go to university, the costs double, and once you graduate, there are no jobs. In third- and fourth-tier cities, housing costs over a million yuan, and young people have no choice but to remain single. 

Foreign students from Africa studying in China receive subsidies of 200,000 yuan from the Chinese government — how “amazing” Communist China is! The Belt and Road Initiative also generously sends money overseas, fattening foreigners while Chinese citizens grow poorer.

I sincerely hope that the kind people of China use the bright autumn moonlight to open their eyes and read “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” a powerful warning. Let them see the true nature of the CCP, an evil Marxist-Leninist cult, and break away from this gang. Quit all of the CCP’s evil organizations so that, when the heavens destroy the CCP, they will not become its sacrificial victims, but instead receive Heaven’s blessing!

Chen Mingfu (陈明福), Hebei Province

A parade in Hong Kong features a banner with the words “Heaven Protect China, Heaven Eliminate the CCP.” (Image: via Sound of Hope)

A Chinese military veteran quits the Communist Party (Sept. 17, 2024)

I am a military veteran with 40 years of Party membership. The present words and actions of the CCP show that it no longer serves the people, but is full of greed and corruption. I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Communist Party and all its affiliated organizations.

— Liu Ming (刘明)

‘The CCP is the enemy of humanity’s universal values’ (Sept. 17, 2024)

The CCP stands in opposition to humanity’s universal values, destroys traditional Chinese culture, and has led to the moral decline and loss of humanity among Chinese people today. This offends the will of Heaven and is setting the stage of catastrophe. I declare my withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, including the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers, to erase the toxic oath and not be bound by the CCP, and choose to be an aware and upright Chinese.

Yong Ji (永吉), Beijing

Chinese take part in Tuidang after learning about its persecution of Falun Gong (Sept. 15, 2024)

We are from Hebei. I am Yingxue (pseudonym), and my sister is Ruixue (pseudonym). We have learned the truth about the CCP’s depraved and brutal persecution of Falun Gong [a popular Chinese spiritual faith], so we have to sever our ties with the CCP! We hereby declare our withdrawal from the Young Pioneers, which we were once compelled to join, and commit to being filial descendants of the Yan and Yellow Emperors [legendary ancestors of the Chinese nation].

Yingxue (映雪) and Ruixue (瑞雪), Hebei Province

Participating in the Tuidang movement for a better future (Sept. 14, 2024)

I solemnly declare my withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated Young Pioneers and Communist Youth League organizations. I sever all ties with the evil Party for the sake of a better future.

Over the years, I have learned of — and personally experienced — the various misdeeds of the CCP in deceiving and harming the Chinese people. Living under its regime has been a tremendous shame! Now, having the opportunity to take part in the Tuidang movement to quit the CCP and its organizations, I repent before the divine, break free from the devil’s grasp, and seek to reinvent myself! 

Huan Xiao (欢笑), Shanghai

‘Nobody in the CCP establishment believes in communism anymore’ (Sept. 12, 2024)

Nowadays, most people have a decent level of education and are able to bypass the Great Firewall, while many others travel abroad every year for study or tourism. From top to bottom, nobody in the CCP establishment believes in communism anymore. Just look at those [pro-CCP commentators] on television — the likes of Sima Nan, Zhang Weiwei, or Jin Canrong. They prattle on about keeping up the “positive energy” but secretly buy real estate in Western countries and send their families to live there. The common people are busy earning a living, while officials are busy amassing wealth, having long abandoned communist ideology. I think that, just like the dissolution of the Soviet Union, after the spoils are divided, they will issue an announcement, and the whole system will fall apart. I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers.

— Huaming (华明), China

‘The CCP’s corrupt and dictatorial ways have severely damaged social trust’: Residents of Beijing quit the CCP (Sept. 9, 2024)

I voluntarily declare my withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party to remove the negative consequences brought about by my past association with these organizations. I have recognized that the CCP’s numerous crimes, committed both within China’s borders and overseas, have completely violated basic social principles like fairness, justice, and transparency. Under its rule, not only is freedom of speech suppressed, but countless wrongful cases have also been created, trampling on the fundamental principles of justice. 

The CCP’s corrupt and dictatorial ways have severely damaged social trust, causing people to live in fear and insecurity. Especially in matters related to national affairs, the CCP never speaks transparently or fairly, always covering up the truth with lies, deceiving and manipulating the people. This is fundamentally at odds with my deep pursuit of freedom, justice, and human dignity. Therefore, I voluntarily declare my withdrawal from the CCP and its affiliated Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers organizations, freeing myself from its ideological control and seeking a future of light and justice. I wish for myself and my family a future of justice, freedom, and harmony. 

Ah Cong (阿骢) and Lao Yue (老粤) of Beijing

‘Embrace democracy and freedom’: A police officer takes part in the Tuidang movement (Sept. 7, 2024)

I am a police officer. Initially, I joined the police force in hopes of protecting the lives and property of the people and to uphold justice and fairness. Over these years of work, I’ve realized that my initial ideals were nothing but a fantasy. Being a police officer is mainly about coercing confessions, fabricating wrongful cases, and serving as a shield for those with connections.

It is impossible to survive in such an organization while genuinely serving the people. For instance, during cases of forced demolitions, when people call for help, political leaders issue orders in advance not to respond [to those calls]; even if people are beaten to death by demolition crews, there can be no response. If demolition crew members are attacked, only then do they respond, using charges like “obstruction of justice” or “intentional injury” against the victims of the forced demolition. Actions to protect personal property or self-defense are suppressed, while the misconduct of government officials and developers during forced demolitions is not addressed at all.

From these experiences, I’ve come to understand how outrageous and heinous the actions of the CCP are. The Party is what made my wish for justice impossible. 

From today on, I sever all ties with the despicable CCP… and quit the evil Party that persecutes the people.

— Chen Xiangren (陈香仁), Qinzhou, Guangxi Province 

‘I Quit the CCP; may Heaven bless China’ (Sept. 3, 2024)

I am a Party member. I’ve witnessed numerous wrongful cases, forced demolitions, and other acts of persecution against the people, as well as power struggles and abuse of the law as a weapon to attack dissent. The law should be fair and equal, but such ideals are impossible to realize within this system. Therefore, I have decided to quit this hypocritical, evil, and oppressive Party.

Wu Wei (吴巍), mainland China

An expecting mother quits the Communist Youth League (Sept. 2, 2024)

I am a pregnant woman in my 20s. Over these years, I’ve realized that much of the CCP’s propaganda is nothing but lies, and their policies have brought chaos to society and the economy. Many young people are unemployed and the people are suffering. I hope this evil organization will collapse soon. I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League, which I joined as a child, and hope to live as an upright and honest person. I pray to the Buddha and the divine for protection for myself and my unborn child.

Niannian (念念)