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‘The real cancer plaguing China is the CCP itself’: Statements From the Tuidang Movement (August 2024)

Published: September 4, 2024
A parade in Flushing, New York, promotes the Tuidang movement. (Image: Dai Bing/Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP)

​​The Tuidang movement, started in November 2004, encourages Chinese around the world to renounce their oaths made to lay down their lives for communism when they joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or its affiliated youth organizations. Over the past two decades, hundreds of millions of people have given their assumed or real names to voice their separation from the CCP, the single most deadly regime in human history. Here, Vision Times presents some recent statements from those who have quit the Party, translated from the Chinese.

A Chinese student in Japan quits the CCP (Aug. 30, 2024)

I’m Li Jiaxi, currently studying at Osaka University of Tourism. After becoming fully cognizant of the evil nature of the CCP and Xi Jinping’s dictatorship, I’ve decided to leave the Chinese Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers, as well as any other organizations associated with this regime.

Under the CCP’s rule, corruption, oppression, and the suppression of free speech have worsened. Xi Jinping’s authoritarianism has pushed the country into a deep abyss of political oppression and societal division. Confronting this reality, I can no longer support or identify with this system. My conscience has driven me to quit the Party, not only to answer to myself but also to pursue a better future — a future where there is no oppression, and everyone enjoys freedom and dignity. 

I’ve decided to completely break away from the CCP, freeing myself mentally, physically, and organizationally from its control. I am willing to work for truth, justice, and freedom, and to contribute to the democratization of China.

Li Jiaxi (李嘉熙), Japan 

‘All I want to know is when the CCP regime will collapse’ (Aug. 27, 2024)

After reading The Epoch Times and watching NTD Television for years, I have learned much about the CCP’s dark history and the harm it has caused to the Chinese people. Now, all I want to know is when the CCP regime will collapse and when the people will finally live in good times. I’m wondering what kind of government will run China after the CCP falls, and what policies they will use to improve people’s lives and benefit the nation?

Shang Fei (尚飞), China, quits the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers 

Quitting the Young Pioneers (Aug. 26, 2024)

No matter which leader is in power, China under the CCP has always been a society of cronyism, corruption, moral decline, and ruthless authoritarianism. 

Now, many people hate Xi Jinping and wish for his death. Their thinking is that once Xi is gone, China will get better under a new leader. But will that really help? If a slaughterhouse changes owners, can the cattle and sheep inside escape their fate? The real cancer plaguing China is the CCP itself! I hope more people will see the evil of the Party and rise up to overthrow it, bringing brightness to the land of China! I declare my withdrawal from the Young Pioneers, which I had previously joined. 

Yang Xuehua (杨学华), Shanghai

Quitting the Pioneers, League, and Party (Aug. 25, 2024)

I have thoroughly recognized the evil nature of the CCP. It has committed every imaginable atrocity, killing more than 80 million Chinese people. It harvests organs from Falun Gong practitioners and ordinary citizens alike. Heaven will not tolerate such evil. The Communist Party should have been disbanded long ago. I declare my withdrawal from the Pioneers, League, and Party organizations, completely cutting my ties with the CCP to become a compassionate and intelligent Chinese person. 

Chen Ping (陈平)

Learning the truth of the Tiananmen massacre (Aug. 24, 2024)

In my childhood, I was fed the lies woven by the CCP and even believed for a time that the Party was great, glorious, and correct. As a member of the Young Pioneers, I had blind faith in the CCP, thinking it brought happiness and stability to the people. But the truth is the exact opposite!

During a trip to the United States, I had the good fortune of learning the truth about the Tiananmen Square massacre. That truth hit me like a sledgehammer, shattering my illusions about the CCP. I couldn’t believe that a government could be so cold-blooded and heartless, slaughtering unarmed students and citizens simply for pursuing freedom and democracy. …

… I hope more of my compatriots will wake up, see the CCP for what it is, and work together to fight for the dignity and freedom we deserve!

Zhang Qing (张庆) of Hainan Province quits the Young Pioneers.

Choosing justice and conscience, taking part in the Tuidang Movement (Aug. 21, 2024)

I am Zhou Bochao. After much reflection and understanding of the historical facts, I have decided to quit the Chinese Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. This decision stems from a clear recognition of the CCP’s nature and an acknowledgment that its crimes and mistakes cannot be erased.

Over the past decades, the CCP has launched numerous political campaigns, resulting in the loss of tens of millions of innocent lives and the destruction of countless families. The CCP’s corruption, tyranny, and human rights abuses pain me deeply. As a person of conscience, I can no longer have any association with such an organization. … May this statement demonstrate my pursuit of freedom, human rights, and truth, and my desire to cut ties with the CCP in welcoming a brighter future.

Zhou Bochao (周博超), Tieling, Liaoning Province

Quitting the Communist Party (Aug. 17, 2024)

I am from Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Everything the Communist Party propagates is fake and meaningless. I’ve heard that one should never make vows lightly, especially not about signing away one’s life. The CCP’s atheism goes against Heaven, and I don’t want to perish together with it. I lived through the Cultural Revolution, and the CCP messed everything up. Falun Gong is practiced worldwide, yet the CCP is the only one that bans it. I hereby willingly annul the oath I made before and withdraw from the Party.

Yao Fulu (姚福禄), Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province

Quitting the Communist Party after seeing Shen Yun (Aug. 9, 2024)

I am a university student. By chance, I saw a flyer for Shen Yun while in the United States and decided to attend the performance. I didn’t know what to expect, but upon watching, I was amazed. The beauty of Chinese culture was vividly presented in the Shen Yun performance, and it made me realize the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). At that moment, I decided to quit the Communist Party.

Zheng Yi (郑易), the United States

‘The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is destroying our nation’s future’ (Aug. 6, 2024)

Today, I solemnly declare that I am quitting all the [CCP’s] organizations, and any vows I made at the time are null and void. 

What the CCP does is entirely contrary to what it claims in its propaganda. Corruption has rotted it to the core. The entire nation has been ruined by it; morality, conscience, and tradition have all disappeared. Nowadays, most people live exhausting and difficult lives — either struggling for survival or trying to escape the Party’s oppression. In private, no one has anything good to say about the CCP.

I know people who practice Falun Gong, and their thoughts and beliefs are good. The CCP’s persecution of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance [the core principles of Falun Gong] is the persecution of kindness itself and the destruction of our nation’s future. From now on, I will also recite the words, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are good.” I want to be a clean, upright person, true to myself and my conscience.

Zhao Qi (赵其) quits the Communist Party, League, and Pioneers

A member of public security quits the Party (Aug. 3, 2024)

I was born in the 1980s and have worked in the public security department [China’s police] for 16 years. I have witnessed the authoritarianism of this organization, and I have made up my mind to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I hope for the protective blessing of gods and Buddhas.

Xiaoyang (小杨), Yueyang, Hunan Province