Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

4 Uplifting Habits to Elevate Daily Life

Carolina Avendano
Carolina is a Canada-based writer and journalist who enjoys learning and sharing information about how to lead a meaningful life. She is passionate about traditional culture, handmade crafts, the connection between humans and nature, and human rights.
Published: July 27, 2024
Adding uplifting habits to your daily routine can make every day special. (Image: Ketut Subiyanto via Pexels)

It’s easy to get caught up in the grind. From morning to night we might be busy with routine tasks that bring little satisfaction. Although daily routines lend structure and predictability, they come with unfortunate side effects. Once we get used to something, it tends to become less special – even tedious or boring.

We’ve all heard the phrase “variety is the spice of life.”  What if we could make everyday moments more memorable? What if you could turn seemingly ordinary habits into boosters of wellness and inspiration? It may not be as hard as you think.

1. Personal grooming

(Image: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)

Taking care of our appearance is a magical tool. Having a positive perception of the way we look can increase our confidence and self-esteem. But grooming isn’t just for going out. It’s a habit worth keeping at home, even when no one is watching. The simple act of swapping pajamas for loungewear or trying a new hairstyle can give us a fresh mindset and a boost to face the day. 

Basic grooming habits include keeping our hair clean and tidy, showering often and using deodorant. Making sure our clothes are clean and not worn, maintaining nail hygiene and keeping good breath are important factors too.

For women, a touch of makeup can enhance your self-image.

The effects of grooming go beyond the surface. As a personal habit, it gives you a sense of self-care; it’s a statement to yourself that you honor your body. As for those around you, keeping a good appearance is a show of respect and consideration, as it allows others to better enjoy your presence.

Try incorporating small grooming habits into your daily routine and take note of how these changes make you feel inside. When deciding how you want to look, consider what your choices say about you. Sometimes small changes can have big effects. 

2. Form fragrant, uplifting habits – like a scent routine

(Image: ROMAN ODINTSOV via Pexels)

Smells are evocative. Certain aromas can trigger memories or awaken emotions, and this is why adding scents to your daily routine has the potential to uplift your mood.

  • Scented candles: Choose a candle with a soft scent that you like or that brings back good memories. Light the candle when you are at home and let it burn until its scent permeates your space.

  • Incense: Burning incense is a ritual in itself. For centuries it has been part of spiritual practices, bringing focus and uplifting the spirit. Making an incense offering adds a sense of sacredness to your daily prayers or can create an atmosphere conducive to connecting with yourself.

    Alternatively, if used for its scent alone, incense can be burned in the background. Accompanying your mornings with a soothing fragrance such as sandalwood, lemongrass, lavender or orange can help you get off to a good start.

  • Essential oils: Essential oils are versatile because you can enjoy their aroma on your skin or diffuse them in your environment. They are concentrated oils made from natural extracts and often have medicinal properties such as relieving cold symptoms or pain.

    To apply them on your skin, you’ll usually need to dilute them with a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil. Follow a recipe and apply the mixture to areas such as the temples, wrists or behind the ears. If you choose the right oil and make it part of your nightly routine, inhaling the soothing scent can improve your sleep.

    Diffusers are another popular option suitable for any time of day. They work by mixing essential oil with water and releasing it into the air. There are different types of diffusers, such as ceramic, electric and ultrasonic. Experiment a bit and find the one that’s right for you.  

3. Turn your coffee or tea break into a ceremony

(Image: Sena via Pexels)

Hot beverages are part of many people’s daily routine. Even if they are sugar-free, they are something of a treat, a little excuse to take a moment out of the day and do something for yourself.

Making coffee or tea is relatively fast and easy. But what if small changes could elevate your coffee or tea break experience? Here are a few ways to do it:

  • Choose a signature cup or tableware: Some pieces of tableware are art. They come in different shapes and colors, and some have intricate designs. Like art pieces, they can be personal. Make sure you choose one that sparks good thoughts in you when you see it. Thrift stores offer many singular options.

    For instance, some have delicate patterns that give you a sense of gentleness and elegance. Others are simple and rustic, and may remind you of the importance of being modest and discreet. Of course, you don’t have to settle for just one. By being intentional in your choice, you’ll create the conditions for an uplifting experience.

  • Consider traditional brewing methods: There is nothing wrong with using readymade tea bags or instant coffee. They save us a lot of time and can also bring forth good taste.

    But participating in the preparation process has its charm. It teaches us the beauty of patience and increases our appreciation for the end result. If you have a few minutes to spare, consider using a French press for coffee, for example, or loose leaves for tea. The process will help you slow down and take a moment to be present.

  • Add little things that bring joy: What if you place your cup on a tray and accompany it with a small snack? What if you add some flowers and a candle? Putting together a simple arrangement for your coffee or tea breaks can turn your habit into a special occasion. 

4. Decorate your space with uplifting, inspiring elements

Choosing inspirational decor is one of those uplifting habits that benefits everyone. (Image: Tiana via Pexels)

Your environment has a significant influence on you. The type of thoughts and emotions they evoke can shape your state of mind. Whether it’s your home, your office or your desk, here are some tips for turning them into sources of inspiration.

  • Display an inspiring quote: There are phrases or words that simply touch your soul. Having them at hand, especially in difficult times, can serve you as an anchor in the midst of a storm.

    You can display them in a frame or just write them as a note. As long as you have them within view, they will keep you inspired.

  • Add a touch of nature: Plants or flowers can make your environment come alive. Their colors and inherent beauty add a tangible aspect that cannot be replicated. Choose a plant you find pleasing to the eye, and don’t forget to care for your faithful, quiet companion.

  • Art that tells a story or a powerful message: Art is powerful. Like a quote, it can remind you of a meaningful idea or a thought, but no words are needed – only a glance.  Classical art, in particular, traditionally had the goal of depicting what is good and beautiful in mankind. Classical pieces often portrayed divine realms or illustrated values such as courage, loyalty and modesty.

    Exposing yourself daily to such noble content can nurture your mind. But you don’t have to buy a masterpiece. Just look for art that you feel truly uplifts your soul.