Truth, Inspiration, Hope.

Strength Through Faith: The Inspiring Journey of Zhu Yuanzhu and Her Son

Alina Wang
A native of New York, Alina has a Bachelors degree in Corporate Communications from Baruch College and writes about human rights, politics, tech, and society.
Published: July 23, 2024
Zhu and her son's harrowing journey, marred by persecution and separation under the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) regime, showcases both the brutality they faced and the unwavering strength they exhibited in the pursuit of a better life. (Image: Screenshot via The Stories of Life/Gan Jing World)

Amid the stories of human resilience and faith, the journey of Zhu Yuanzhu and her son, Sun Hongwei, stands as a moving testament to the enduring spirit of Falun Gong practitioners. Featured on the July 20 segment of “The Stories of Life,” on Gan Jing World, the pair shared how they escaped China to embark on a journey of truth and freedom. 

Also known as Falun Dafa (法輪大法), which translates to “the Great Law” or “Great Way,” Falun Gong was founded in 1992 by Master Li Hongzhi. The spiritual practice, which is rooted in Buddhist tradition, encompasses five sets of meditation exercises and a series of books that guide practitioners in their spiritual cultivation and moral self-improvement. The practice also follows the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.

Falun Gong practitioners take part in a parade through central Manhattan, NY, on May 10, 2024 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. The parade, which this year marks 32 years since the spiritual practice was publicly taught in China, has become an annual event with thousands of participants. (Image: via

In 1999, after witnessing its rapid rise in popularity, then-Party leader Jiang Zemin launched a brutal campaign to “eradicate” the practice from China by employing all kinds of heinous torture and surveillance methods, including illegal arrests, forced labor, and torture. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have since perished at the hands of Chinese police. 

Zhu and her son’s harrowing journey, marred by persecution and separation under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) regime, showcases both the brutality they faced and the unwavering strength they exhibited in the pursuit of a better life. 

A life began in fear

Zhu’s story begins in a tumultuous era marked by the CCP’s draconian “one-child policy.” Pregnant with her second child, Zhu faced a grim reality. Having already experienced the harsh consequences of defying the state’s family planning edicts, she knew the risks. The repercussions for those who dared to have more than one child were severe, including forced abortions, hefty fines, and relentless harassment from government authorities.

Determined to protect her unborn son, Zhu and her husband decided to leave mainland China. With the help of her father-in-law in Taiwan, Zhu managed to secure an invitation and safely deliver her son, Sun Hongwei, in Taiwan. 

Zhu Yuanzhu (left) and her son Sun Hongwei’s harrowing journey, marred by persecution and separation under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) regime, showcases both the brutality they faced and the unwavering strength they exhibited in the pursuit of a better life. (Image: Screenshot via The Stories of Life/Gan Jing World)

This was Hongwei’s first escape from the clutches of the CCP’s oppressive policies. While reflecting on this turbulent period in her life, Zhu said, “If discovered, our child would be aborted. We planned to leave and thought of my father-in-law in Taiwan.”

RELATED: Falun Gong Endures in China Despite 25 Years of Communist Persecution

The dark years of persecution

But when the family decided to return to China after several years abroad, little did they know they were in for an even more challenging ordeal. Zhu’s faith in Falun Gong led to her being targeted by the CCP. 

When Hongwei was just six years old, Zhu was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison due to her refusing to denounce her faith. Her imprisonment left a profound impact on Hongwei, who was subjected to societal ostracism and bullying — causing a once lively and confident child to become introverted and withdrawn.

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“I felt very inferior and lesser than others because I had no mother,” said Hongwei, adding, “I just started to close myself off and didn’t dare to speak. My personality became very introverted.”

During Zhu’s imprisonment, young Hongwei also faced constant reminders of his mother’s absence. Neighbors, teachers, and classmates would often mention his mother’s incarceration, further deepening his sense of isolation and inferiority. “Many neighbors would say [stuff like] ‘this child has no mother.’ Hearing this kind of talk every day, just in the long-term… one would definitely be affected.”

A mother’s unyielding faith

Despite the harsh conditions in prison, Zhu remained steadfast in her faith. But her refusal to renounce Falun Gong upon her release meant continued hardships for her and her family. The authorities demanded that Zhu sign a letter to abandon her practice, and even threatened Hongwei’s right to seek an education in China. 

Unwilling to compromise her beliefs, Zhu decided to send Hongwei back to Taiwan alone — a heart-wrenching decision fueled by her desire to secure a better future for her son.

shen yun in korea in 2023
Shen Yun Performing Arts World Company’s curtain call at the National Theater of Korea in Seoul, South Korea, on Feb. 19, 2023. (Image: Kim Guk-hwan/The Epoch Times)

But the process of sending Hongwei back to Taiwan was fraught with challenges. The CCP’s 610 Office, responsible for handling the persecution of Falun Gong, obstructed Zhu’s efforts to obtain a passport. Ultimately, Hongwei had to travel alone, which was a daunting task for a young boy. “He asked, ‘Mom, can I come back after leaving?’ and “Will I see you again?’” said Zhu, adding, “Wow, my heart was so heavy. I had to hold back my tears.” Despite reassuring him that they would be reunited again “very soon,” Zhu said saying goodbye to her son was “truly heartbreaking.” 

His journey across the ocean was filled with fear and uncertainty, yet it was a necessary step to escape the oppressive environment in mainland China. “The only option was for him to go back alone as a child,” said Zhu. “At that time, all the relatives were saying they were concerned because the child is still so young.”

Finding solace in Taiwan

Upon his arrival in Taiwan, Hongwei’s fate took a positive turn. He found solace and support among the local Falun Gong practitioners, who welcomed him with open arms and “treated him like family.” This unexpected kindness helped Hongwei heal from the wounds inflicted by years of persecution and separation. The practitioners arranged for his accommodation and schooling, providing him with a stable and nurturing environment.

Shen Yun dancers rehearse a classical Chinese dance routine at their facility in Orange County, N.Y., in this file photo. (Image: Courtesy of Shen Yun)

“Although they didn’t know each other, they accepted him without hesitation and cared for him like family,” said Zhu with gratitude. “The wounds in his heart were healed. With their care and help, Hongwei’s life reached a new turning point.”

Hongwei’s time in Taiwan marked a significant turning point in his life. The care and support he received allowed him to regain his confidence and rediscover his sense of purpose. His journey eventually led him to Shen Yun Performing Arts — the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company that’s dedicated to reviving traditional Chinese culture prior to the ravages of communism. 

“I found my purpose in life in Shen Yun,” said Hongwei. “I feel I’ve found my purpose in life, which is to be part of Shen Yun, to restore traditional Chinese culture, and expose the persecution that is happening in China.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music performance, bringing to life 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and heritage to audiences across the globe. (Image: Shen Yun Performing Arts)

Based in New York, Shen Yun’s performances aim not only to entertain, but also educate audiences on important social and political issues taking place in China today. The performances aim to raise awareness on human rights’ issues to provide a unique perspective on the human spirit and the importance of not taking certain freedoms for granted.

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A new beginning

Hongwei’s involvement with Shen Yun then brought him to the U.S., where he found a community that valued and supported his faith. At Shen Yun, he not only honed his skills as a dancer but also found a deeper meaning in his life’s mission: to raise awareness of the CCP’s human rights abuses. His experiences of persecution and resilience became a powerful narrative that he shares through his performances.

For Zhu, reuniting with her son was a moment of profound joy and relief. Despite the years of separation and suffering, their faith had guided them to a place where they could practice freely and live with dignity. Zhu’s gratitude extended to the Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan and the U.S. government, whose support had made their reunion possible. 

“This pain of flesh and blood separation was filled with endless helplessness and sorrow… Simply because the mother did not give up her belief and pursuit of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” said Zhu.