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No Booster? No Social Credit. Quebec to Change Definition of Fully Vaccinated, Ban Jabless From All Retail Stores

Neil Campbell
Neil lives in Canada and writes about society and politics.
Published: January 7, 2022
Quebec is set to change fully vaccinated status to require a booster injection, in addition to barring the unvaccinated from everything but the grocery store.
A UPS employee holds a box containing some of the first Messenger RNA COVID-19 injections before delivery in Montreal, Quebec on December 14, 2020. Quebec announced it will become the first Province in Canada to require a booster injection to maintain fully vaccinated social credit status, at the same time it announced the unvaccinated will be barred from cannabis and liquor stores, and soon to be all non-essential retail outlets. (Image: ANDREJ IVANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

“If the unvaccinated are unhappy, there is a very simple solution — get vaccinated. It’s free and will protect you,” said Health Minister Christian Dube at a Jan. 6 press conference where the Government of Quebec announced it will soon modify the conditions of its vaccine passport to require holders to accept a third dose to maintain their social standing. 

The comments were translated from French to English and reported by Daily Hive, who also confirmed that entry to the province’s liquor stores and cannabis retailers will be gated by vaccine status starting Jan. 18, a move predicted earlier in the week by establishment media as slated to come into force.


Because of recent lockdown restrictions, including a 10:00 p.m. curfew enacted on New Year’s Day via a heavy police presence, the Province shuttered bars and restaurants, causing all demand for state sanctioned recreational drugs to filter into retail outlets.

According to Epoch Times, a firm date for when Quebecors’ social credit will require three doses of injection was not announced. Minister Dube was only paraphrased as saying the decree would be handed down once booster injections became available for all residents.

Currently, boosters are only accessible for those aged 50+, but third doses for all adults will begin disbursement as soon as Jan. 21. 

Rebel News reported Dube as stating, “We’re going to be ready to use this passport over the next year or so — and that’s the reason I’m warning people today that the third dose will be adjusted for the passport, and we’d better be ready for that.”

During the press conference, Dube also stated that additional injections could be required in the future because, “I think it’s very clear that, given what’s happening now, will there be another Omicron version, whatever, in April or May? I don’t know.”

“We have put this tool in place, it has worked from last fall, from last summer, to a couple of weeks ago before we got hit by this tsunami.”

In December, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin announced at a press conference that an Omicron-specific version of the Pfizer vaccine is in the works with a possible release date as early as March.

Sahin confirmed that the new injection would be a three-dose course, meaning Canadians may soon face the prospect of having to accept six jabs, a full course plus booster of the existing injections, plus the three dose Omicron-specific variant, to maintain social credit status.

Dube was also summarized by ET as saying that “he only introduced new rules for liquor and pot stores because they are owned and operated by the provincial government.”

“I’m going to be very clear, it’s only a start,” stated the Health Minister, as he made it clear that the unvaccinated would be barred from everything except for grocery stores in the short term future.

“This will not be the last two [sectors]. We are in communication in the coming days with all non-essential services, shopping malls, you name it, and we’ll make sure that when they are announced, they have the proper time to put in place the measures.”

“But the message I’m sending to non-vaccinated people [is]: if you don’t get vaccinated, stay home.”

All Canadians must take note. Quebec was the first province in 2021 to begin the practice of requiring citizens to show their health papers in order to live a normal life, sparking a trend that quickly rolled out across all of Canada, including in Ontario and Alberta where Conservative Premiers Doug Ford and Jason Kenney had previously vowed that vaccine passports would not be implemented because of concerns over violation of Charter rights.

Canada’s federally-funded messaging platform, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, further said that Quebec intends to allow uses of home-administered rapid tests to self-declare positive results via the Internet starting next week, a move that is bound to increase case numbers and provide a greater pretext for further lockdown measures and vaccine mandates.

The expansion of the Government of Quebec’s vaccine passport system went almost entirely unreported in Canada’s English-language media. As of shortly after midnight EST Jan. 7, the  only establishment media to cover the event was the CBC, according to search results in the news category of both Google and DuckDuckGo.

Niche websites MTL Blog, and Eater Montreal were the only other results.

Hard-left establishment business publication Globe and Mail covered Dube’s press conference from the angle of vaccine passports being required for cannabis and liquor stores, but completely omitted any reference to the Minister’s comments that a booster injection, in addition to future injections, were an inevitability to maintain fully vaccinated status.