Truth, Inspiration, Hope.
‘Plants Have Intelligence’: UBC Professor Findings
Our modern science has studied humans and animals for much longer than it has closely observed plants...
4 Animals With Superhuman Powers
Man has always been inspired by animals with superhuman powers; so much so that we have invented various...
Falling Shoreline at Nevada’s Lake Mead Reveals Human Remains Amidst Environmental Crisis
The receding shoreline of Nevada’s Lake Mead has led to the discoveries of two sets of human remains...
Pentagon Officials to Hold Open Hearing With Congress on UFOs for First Time in Over 50 Years
On May 17, Ronald Moultrie, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and Deputy Director...
The Dodecahedron – An Ancient Roman Artifact of Unknown Application
The powerful Roman empire, with its fascinating and well-documented history, made great contributions...
Exploring Black Holes: Nature’s Most Perplexing Creation
Black holes are regions in the Universe where the forces of gravity are so powerful that anything around...
Atlantis and the Great Flood – Myths Connected by Reality?
The vast secrets of the universe will never be fully understood by humanity; but ancient myths and traditions...
Talking Trees – Communal and Altruistic Habits of the Forest
According to Peter Wohleben, best-selling author of The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They...
Baby Myles – A COVID Blessing in Disguise
Told from his grandmother’s perspective as a story within a story, Baby Myles is a gift from God. Born...